Astral devas with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Abyssal, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Infernal, and Sylvan.

Normal Speed: Astral devas have a base speed of 30 feet.On planes other than their home plane, astral devas also have the extraplanar subtype. Outsider (Good): Astral devas are outsiders with the good subtype.Medium: Astral devas are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.+2 Strength, +2 Charisma: Astral devas are physically strong, confident, and personable.Most mortals assume that angels never lie, cheat, or steal, are impeccably honorable in all their dealings, and are the most trustworthy and diplomatic of all the celestials while this is generally true, there are exceptions, especially as some angels serve good-aligned trickster gods and other chaotic entities. An astral deva is 7-1/2 feet tall and weighs 250 pounds.Īlignment: Astral devas tend to be any good alignment, though the majority serve one good deity or another and identify with their patron’s alignment closely. A typical astral deva looks human except for its wings though some look like other humanoid races and a rare few have even more unusual forms. Their skills and abilities make them excellent scouts and elite agents for celestial armies. Astral devas are usually created by deities from the souls of good mortals, though some souls spontaneously transform into astral devas without the intervention of a deity.

They watch over planar travelers and sponsor powerful mortals, pushing them to take on good causes. This tall, human-like creature has long, feathery wings and a gentle inner radiance that makes it difficult to look directly at.Īstral devas are messengers of the gods of good.